The Future of Magazines Looks Awesome

mag+It seems that any article or blog post mentioning the future of magazines is one big Debbie Downer. Yes, yes, we know – the print industry is dying, dead, maybe even dead as a door nail – but is there no sliver of optimism in this doomsday cloud?

Well, we found a little something that makes the future of magazines look not just alive, but downright awesome. May we present to you Mag+, a concept design for a portable tablet eReader made from the collaborative juices of the designers at BERG and Bonnier R&D (the publishers of Popular Science).

As it’s designed right now, the Mag+ tablet has a touchscreen you can use to scroll vertically within an article and horizontally between stories. It’s a simple, uncluttered look - but you can also “heat up” the device (by rubbing it with your finger) to connect to web sites to share pictures, comment on stories, or dig up supplementary material.

But, more importantly, it looks frickin’ awesome. Don’t believe us? Check out the snazzy video.

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