Tips to a Greener Christmas

If you’re looking for a few easy ways to make your Christmas a little kinder to the planet, then you’re in luck!

Oeuf Squeeze Me Mittens on Inabitat's Green Gift Guide

Oeuf Squeeze Me Mittens on Inabitat's Green Gift Guide

Inhabitat founder Jill Fehrenb has come up with five tips to green your holidays:

 1. Buy eco-friendly gifts: If you need inspiration, let us suggest the gift guides on Inhabitat and Green Your Decor.

2. Make your Christmas tree green: Buy a living tree and use energy-efficient lighting.

3. Recycle your wrapping paper

4. Get crafty and make your own gifts, or forego gifts entirely: We suggest buying a charitable donation in your gift recipient’s name – it’s a great idea for a green, do-good gift.

5. Opt for eco-friendly holiday greeting cards.

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