Candy Times!

Fashion, in particular fashion shows, are built on the idea and spirit of playing dress-up. To make us dream, transport us and in their most potent form, transform us completely. The new indie fashion publication, Candy, is taking the power and concept of TRAN- to a whole new level: a magazine that is “completely dedicated to celebrating transvestism, transexuality, cross dressing and androgyny, in all its manifestations … Candy is a magazine for everybody. A space for individual freedom, and a publication that pushes people to take on the persona of what they always wanted to be.”

Sound a little too niche? A look at the behind-the-scenes video on their Facebook fan page reveals a far more democratic essence: to celebrate beauty, fashion and style in all their incarnations. It is about having fun, channeling a sense of play and humor all the way: a throwback to the eternal fashion ethos of self-expression and exploration . It is a refreshing, necessary antidote to an increasingly commerce-driven, corporate landscape. And the cover? The 80’s camp classic Body Double by Brian De Palma is practically winking at us.

Read the full story {Bryanboy}

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