New York City has cracked down on sagging pants popular with teenage boys and young men. Brooklyn politician Eric Adams has recently launched a 6-billboard campaign demanding  “Stop the Sag”.
The public message from the fashion police is part of a growing push against the butt-baring fad. A student let campaign in Virginia and outright bans in Flint, Michigan and Riviera Beach, Florida {CNN} have sought to crack down on below the waist pants. Even President Obama remarked recently: “Some people might not want to see your underwear. I’m one of them.” {Newser}
Russell Simmons, founder of urban fashion brand Phat Farm, and Sean John vice-president Jeffrey Tweedy have both weighed in against the campaign. While Simmons has no problem with Adams personally, he comments that the campaign is a waste of time designed to do nothing but stifle creativity and individuality. “There is no connection to saggy pants and the ability to succeed. Just look at what buttoned-up America has done to the rest of the world and each other. Why can’t kids be different?”
Tweedy is opposed to the focus on African-American men and purported link to prison culture. “Many different people are involved with this trend. It’s not just black kids. You can go to Washington Square Park and see skaters wearing tight Levi’s in a similar way.”
The way we dress is a mark of our presentation and it is a sore sight to stare at the rear of someones behind in nothing but underpants. News stations like CBS, NBC, ABC and the WB have all covered the growing political controversy, as some feel the fashion trend is a means of expression for our youth. When interviewed, many kids stated that they feel targeted and stereotyped for wearing their pants low, and it has no merit. While we agree that sagging pants may be an eyesore, if Ed Hardy and Crocs can escape campaigns against what many argue is unattractive style, is it fair that sagging pants get attacked?
Tell us what you think? Ban the sag? Or freedom of expression?